Chilopsis linearis 'AZT Bi-Color'
Desert Willow 'AZT Bi-Color'
Chilopsis linearis 'AZT Bi-Color' grows quickly to 30' x 15'. Glossy green leaves contrast nicely with the gray-white bark. Fragrant flowers appaear spring to fall and are unique among the Desert Willows with dark burgandy petals and pink throats. This tree will need some pruning to achieve and attractive single or multitrunked form. They provide excellent filtered shade for understory plantings. Consider planting where you need winter sun, as they are deciduous. -Arid Zone Trees
Plant Type
Height Range
Flower Color
Pink, Multi-Colored
Flower Season
Spring, Summer, Fall
Leaf Color
Dark Green
Bark Color
Grey, White
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
In the fall, unless it is very hot outside, you can reduce your total watering time by 1/2.
Do not reduce run times, reduce the number of watering days.