Ambrosia dumosa
White Bursage
Rapid growing woody perennial reaches mature size of 2' x 3'. Leaves are gray and overed with short white hairs. The stems are white stems. It blooms spring and fall. Pollen can cause allergic reactions. Beware of burs that can be a nuisance to socks and pets. Grows in loose well drained soil. Full sun. Very drought tolerant. Nice contrast with coarse textured shrubs in desert landscapes. Native to southwestern US.
Plant Type
Height Range
Flower Color
Green, White
Flower Season
Spring, Summer, Fall
Leaf Color
Light Green, Grey, Silver
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
Group plants according to their water needs.
Creating separate zones for drought-tolerant plants, medium water-use plants, and water-thirsty grass will help prevent overwatering.