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Vauquelinia corymbosa heterodon

Nuevo Leon Rosewood or Narrowleaf R

Plant photo of: Vauquelinia corymbosa heterodon
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Information by: George Hull MSN        Photographer: Mountain States Nursery



Nuevo Leon Rosewood is a versatile large shrub or small tree that grows to 25' x 25'. Leaves are long and narrow, with a dark green color. Creamy-white flowers appear in the summer. Can be trained as a multi-trunk tree, windbreak, hedge, or left to grow as a large, informal shrub. Tolerant of most well-drained soils. Accepts full sun and is drought tolerant. Native to southwest Texas and northern Mexico.


Plant Type

Tree, Shrub

Height Range

6-12', 12-25'

Flower Color


Flower Season


Leaf Color

Green, Dark Green

Bark Color


Fruit Color


Fruit Season


Water Saving Tip:

Use multiple cycles of irrigation on watering days. Most sprinklers deliver water faster than soils can absorb it.

By breaking up the watering time into smaller segments, runoff can be greatly reduced.